Selwyn District Council - Chlorination, full implementation by 15th November 2022

Selwyn District Council - Chlorination, full implementation by 15th November 2022

I bet that you don't enjoy the taste of swimming pool water, but if your a resident of

Selwyn District then you should probably get used it it, or else call us today for the clean tasting solution!......

"Under the Water Services Act 2021, passed in November 2021, all councils must provide residual disinfection (chlorine) for public drinking water supplies by 15 November 2022"

Selwyn District Council website.

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best way to improve drink water quality nz

Ensuring safer water - chlorination upgrades 2022

Water Filters specific to Selwyn Chlorinated water supply

I recently got a water filter of Filtration Canterbury and it works like a charm! The taste and smell of the water is so much better than before. I also noticed that my skin became less itchy.

I've been using their whole house filter for over a month now and I'm absolutely amazed by the results. My tap water has never tasted so good and smelled so fresh. In addition, I don't have to worry about the harmful effects of chlorine in my drinking water any more.

Even my pets seem to be drinking more now! Anyone who wants their family to drink more water, a good filter is a must. It is definately worth the money and highly recommend it to all my friends and family.