filtration canterbury sells the best water filters

At Filtration Canterbury we offer Solutions for all Contaminated Water Issues.

At Filtration Canterbury we offer Solutions for all Contaminated Water Issues.

Collection: Contaminated Water Types

Contaminated water can be divided into 3 problem types, 

Nitrates: Along with other heavy metals such as Lead, Arsenic, and Boron This very real problem can have serious health implications, especially for young children and babies. Reverse Osmosis, or RO as it's commonly known is an excellent solution for domestic situations, call us on our Free phone to discuss your requirements.

Chemicals: You may notice the taste with chemicals such as Chlorine, or you may not, Fluoride, for example has no taste. Most councils are fluoridating their water already and other such as the Selwyn District Council will be adding Chlorine from 1st October with full implementation throughout the district by mid-November 2022

Bacterial:  Giardia, E coli, Cryptosporidiums and other bacterias can be a very real problem in New Zealand water. Depending on your water source (Well, spring and roof collection) you may be especially vulnerable to bacteria in your water.

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More than Experience

We advise and supply water filters throughout New Zealand to solve a variety of clean water problems.