Chlorinating Drinking Water in Selwyn District

Selwyn Council upgrading supplies as NZ’s drinking water laws have changed!

'The Council is working to meet the requirements of the Water Services Act 2021, which requires all councils to be able to provide residual disinfection (chlorine) for all public drinking water supplies and to be chlorinated by 15 November 2022, unless they have an exemption from the drinking water authority Taumata Arowai'.

Ingesting chlorine with your tap water can have a number of adverse health effects.

Some of these effects occur because chlorine tends to form trihalomethanes. (THMs), including chloroform, form when chlorine reacts with tiny organic particles found in water.

These chemical compounds have been implicated in several adverse health outcomes.

Chlorine in NZ drinking water

Water Filters specific to Selwyn Chlorinated water supply